The Newburgh Telegram – September 5, 1908

At Orange Lake

The Newburgh Telegram – September 5, 1908

The rush season at the lake will practically close on Labor Day, although there should be six weeks yet of fine outing weather.  When the days grow short many forget the country, even though it is at its best.

The theatre would be just the place for a political mass meeting before the weather gets cold.  The trolley cars would help very much to bring the people, especially from the Walden end of the route.

Orange Lake has about ninety cottages, great and small. It is proposed to elect a Mayor next year, each inhabited building being entitled to two votes.  The election will probably be held on or about July 15th, when the season is in full blast.


The skating rink, next to the Newburgh armory, is the largest ball room in this section.  It is expected that there will be a number of large balls this season, beginning with the trolley employees.

Highway Commissioner George Decker is filling in around the Big Swamp bridge on the South Plank Road with rock and earth and will do away with the bridge altogether.  It is said that the trolley company will fill in around its long trestle beyond the lake.

Except Mr. Ramsdell, the cottagers paid little or not attention to the cultivation of flowers, plants or vines this season.


At Orange Lake this afternoon, at the Dr. Walch cottage, there will be a food sale.  Proceeds for the benefit of McKinley Council, Daughters of America.

At the Orange Lake skating rink last Monday night a pretty summer boarder endeavored to give a demonstration of the “Salome” dance on rollers.  She collided with a rank amateur from Walden on the floor and as she spun around through the atmosphere, it was apparent to even the color-blind that light blue is her favorite.  As she settled to the floor all the summer men rushed to her assistance with audible sighs of regret.  It was the fleeting fancy of a moment, never to be seen again – except on the clothesline.